How to Do Email Marketing Free of Cost | StudyObject

Let's discuss the most interesting part! There are so many offerings on email marketing, but all of them comes with huge cost associated with it. It is not possible for a startup to spend this much amount on email. Let's do it free of cost !

Digital Marketing has never been on the rise as much as during lockdown. All forms of marketing are overshadowed by digital marketing specially Email Marketing.

Today our focus is not on General Digital Marketing, but we will focus on the best type of marketing with respect to digital marketing. Keep Reading ! We will reveal the gold !

 Email Marketing !

Email marketing has been most effective marketing outreach as it allows to send email directly to customers with specialised offers. Also, unlike other ads you can track if the known recipient( the customer which you are sending email to) actually have clicked and landed on the website or not. In email marketing you must have email ids of the potential customers.

Let’s discuss the most interesting part! In WordPress there are so many plugins offering email marketing to any no of subscribers, but this comes with huge cost associated with it. It is not possible for a startup to spend this much amount on email.

We will discuss about how can you avoid these expensive plugins until you have deep pockets.

Which WordPress plugin to use?

Download any free email marketing plugin which supports multiple email Gateways. You can configure this email marketing plugin with Email gateways like SMTP(check with your host provider), Sparkpost(0.85 cent per thousand), sendgrid, postmark, mailgun or elastic email.


Which Email Gateway to use free of cost?

I would suggest to use SMTP gateway , as it comes with Host and it is free of cost. All other email gateway providers except SMTP are chargeable but still these gateways costs less than expensive email marketing plugins.

The only challenge with SMTP is that if it is not configured properly, most of your emails may land into the spam folder. So take extra precautions while configuring SMTP with email plugin.


Is it good to use Email marketing in Google Ads?

Google Email ads are good to use as it gives you plenty of customisation options. Google Email ads are chargeable.


Which Email Marketing techniques/plugins/gateways you are using ! Share your thoughts!

If you are looking to set up Email Server for sending unlimited emails  , Please reach us at [email protected]


Author: Rajnish K

About Author :

Rajnishk is R&D Expert ,passionate for Web Stack & an Entrepreneur . He can be reached at [email protected]


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